Family University

Prof. Deng was nominated by the Purdue Student Union Board (PSUB) students to participate in “Family University”, a new Purdue Family Weekend initiative. Family University is an opportunity for students, parents and family members to enjoy short lectures together by faculty members who make learning interesting and engaging, as nominated by students. Prof. Deng gave a talk entitled ""Regenerative Biomaterials: Convergence of Materials Science, Cell Biology, and Translational Bioengineering" engaging with the families of our Purdue students (http://www.purdue.edu/parentandfamily/things_to_do/Family_Weekend/2015_FamilyUniversity.html).

Welcome to the Deng Lab

The Deng Lab focuses on both the fundamental understanding of cellular processes in tissue development and engineering effective biomaterial systems for therapeutic applications.

Invited Lecture
NIH Grant
Biomaterials Classes

Last Update: 2014 The Deng Lab