
1. Deng, M., James, R., Jiang, T., Kumbar, S.G., Laurencin, C.T.: Polyphosphazenes, Biodegradable. In Encyclopedia of Biomedical Polymers and Polymeric Biomaterials, Munmaya Mishra  (Editor), CRC Press, 2014. In press


2. James, R., Deng, M., Kumbar, S.G., and Laurencin, C.T.: Bone Regenerative Engineering: The Influence of Micro and Nano Dimension. In Tissue and Organ Regeneration: Advances in Micro and Nanotechnology, Lijie Grace Zhang, Ali Khademhosseini, Thomas Webster (Editors), Pan Stanford Publishing Pte Ltd, 2014. In press.


3. James, R., Deng, M., Kumbar, S.G., Laurencin, C.T.: Polyphosphazenes. In Naturally-Derived and Synthetic Biomedical Polymers, Sangamesh Kumbar, Cato Laurencin, Meng Deng (Editors), Elsevier, 2014.


4. Cushnie, E.K., Ulery, B., Nelson, S., Deng, M., Sethuraman, S., El-Amin, S.F., Lo, W.H., Khan, Y.M., Laurencin, C.T.: Simple Signaling Molecules for Inductive Regenerative Engineering. PLOS ONE (Submitted).


5. Jiang, T., Deng, M., James, R., Nair, L.S., Laurencin, C.T.: Micro- and nanofabrication of chitosan structures for regenerative engineering. Acta Biomaterialia, 2014, doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2013.07.003.


6. James, R., Deng, M., Kumbar, S.G., Laurencin, C.T.: Bioinspired Materials for Bone Regenerative Engineering. In Handbook of Biomimetics and Bioinspiration, Esmaiel Jabbari, Ali Khademhosseini, Deok-Ho Kim, Amir Ghaemmaghami (Editors), Chapter 34, 963-985. World Scientific Publishing Co, Pte, Ltd, 2014

7. Lv, Q., Deng, M., Ulery, B., Nair, L.S., Laurencin, C.T.: Nano-ceramic composite scaffolds for bioreactor based bone engineering. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 2013, 471(8):2422-33. (Cover)


8. Atala, A., Deng, M., Khan, Y.: Organ Regenerative Engineering: Cell Sources, Considerations, and Strategies. In Regenerative Engineering, Cato Laurencin and Yusuf Khan  (Editors), Chapter 8, 183-218. CRC Press, 2013.


9. Aravamudhan, A., Ramos, D., Nip, J., Harmon, M., James, R., Deng, M., Laurencin, C.T., Yu, X., Kumbar, S.G.: Cellulose and collagen derived micro-nano structured scaffolds for bone tissue engineering. Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, 2013, 9:719-731.


10. Deng, M., Kumbar, S.G., Allcock, H.R., Laurencin, C.T.: Polyphosphazenes as Biomaterials. In Polymeric Biomaterials, Severian Dumitriu and Valentin Popa (Editors), Chapter 4, 83-134. CRC Press, 2013

11. Jabbarzadeh, E., Deng, M., Lv, Q., Jiang, T., Khan, Y.M., Nair, L.S., Laurencin, C.T.: VEGF-incorporated biomimetic poly(lactide-co-glycolide) sintered microsphere scaffolds for bone tissue engineering. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B, 2012, 100(8):2187-96.


12. Peach, M.S., James, R., Toti, U.S., Deng, M., Morozowich, N.L., Allcock, H.R., Laurencin, C.T., Kumbar, S.G.: Polyphosphazene functionalized polyester fiber matrices for tendon tissue engineering: in vitro evaluation with human mesenchymal stem cells. Biomedical Materials, 2012, 7(4):045016.


13. Deng, M., James, R., Laurencin, C.T., Kumbar, S.G.: Nanostructured polymeric scaffolds for orthopaedic regenerative engineering. IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, 2012, 11(1):3-14.


14. Deng, M., James, R., Laurencin, C.T., Kumbar, S.G.: Nano-biomaterials for Bone Tissue Engineering. In Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine: A Nano Approach, Murugan Ramalingam, Pekka Vallittu, Ugo Ripamonti, Wan-Ju Li (Editors), Chapter 15, 345-369. CRC Press, 2012


15. Deng, M., Cushnie, E.K., Lv, Q., Laurencin, C.T.: Poly(lactide-co-glycolide)-hydroxyapatite composites: the development of osteoinductive scaffolds for bone regenerative engineering. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 2012, 1417, mrsf11-1417-kk01-01 doi:10.1557/opl.2012.737.


16. Olczyk, J., Arvamudhan, A., Toti, U.S, Deng, M., Laurencin, C.T. and Kumbar, S.G.: Nanofibre-Based Systems for Wound Healing Applications. In Electrospinning for Advanced Biomedical Applications and Therapies, N.M. Neves (Editor), Chapter 5, 135-157, I. Smithers Publisher, 2012


17. Peach, M.S., Kumbar, S.G., James, R., Toti, U., Balasubramaniam, D., Deng, M., Ulery, B., Mazzocca, A.D., McCarthy, M.B., Morozowich, N.L., Allcock, H.R., Laurencin, C.T: Design and optimization of polyphosphazene functionalized fiber matrices for soft tissue regeneration. Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, 2012, 8(1):107-24.

18. Kumbar, S.G., Toti, U.S., Deng, M., James, R., Laurencin, C.T., Arvamudhan, A.: Novel mechanically competent polysaccharide scaffolds for bone tissue engineering. Biomedical Materials, 2011, 6(6):065005.


19. James, R., Deng, M., Laurencin, C.T., Kumbar S.G.: Nanocomposites and bone regeneration. Frontiers of Materials Science, 2011, 5(4):342-57.


20. Lo, W.H., Ulery, B., Deng, M., Ashe, K., Laurencin, C.T.: Current patents on osteoinductive molecules for bone tissue engineering. Recent Patents on Biomedical Engineering, 2011, 4(3):153-167.


21. Deng, M., Kumbar, S.G., Lo, W.H., Ulery, B., Laurencin, C.T.: Novel polymer-ceramics for bone repair and regeneration. Recent Patents on Biomedical Engineering, 2011, 4(3):168-184.


22. Jiang, T., Deng, M., Abdel-Fattah, W.I. Laurencin, C.T.: Chitosan-Based Biopharmaceuticals Scaffolds in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. In Chitosan-based Systems for Biopharmaceuticals: Delivery, Targeting and Polymer Therapeutics, Bruno Sarmento and José das Neves (Editors), Chapter 21, 393-428. John Wiley & Sons, 2011


23. Deng, M., Kumbar, S.G., Nair, L.S., Weikel, A.L., Allcock, H.R., and Laurencin, C.T.: Biomimetic structures: biological implications of dipeptide-substituted polyphosphazene-polyester blend nanofiber matrices for load-bearing bone regeneration. Advanced Functional Materials, 2011, 21(14):2641–2651. (Front Cover) 

24. Weikel, A.L., Owens, S.G., Morozowich, N.L., Deng, M., Nair, L.S., Laurencin, C.T., Allcock, H.R.: Miscibility of choline-substituted polyphosphazenes with PLGA and osteoblast activity on resulting blends. Biomaterials, 2010, 31(33):8507-15.


25. Deng, M., Nair, L.S., Nukavarapu, S.P., Kumbar, S.G., Jiang, T., Weikel, A.L., Krogman, N.R., Allcock, H.R., Laurencin, C.T.: In situ porous structures: a unique polymer erosion mechanism in biodegradable dipeptide-based polyphosphazene and polyester blends producing matrices for regenerative engineering. Advanced Functional Materials, 2010, 20(17):2794–2806. (Front Cover)


26. Jiang, T., Nukavarapu, S.P., Deng, M., Jabbarzadeh, E., Kofron, M.D., Doty, S.B., Abdel-Fattah, W.I., Laurencin, C.T.: Chitosan-poly(lactide-co-glycolide) microsphere based scaffolds for bone tissue engineering: in vitro degradation and in vivo bone regeneration studies. Acta Biomaterialia, 2010, 6(9):3457-70. (Top 25 Hottest Articles April to June 2010)


27. Deng, M., Nair, L.S., Nukavarapu, S.P., Jiang, T., Kanner, W., Li, X., Kumbar, S.G., Weikel, A.L., Krogman, N.R., Allcock, H.R., Laurencin, C.T.: Dipeptide-based polyphosphazene and polyester blends for bone tissue engineering. Biomaterials, 2010, 31(18):4898-4908.


28. Deng, M., Kumbar, S.G., Wan, Y., Toti, U.S., Allcock, H.R., Laurencin, C.T.: Polyphosphazene polymers for tissue engineering: an analysis of material synthesis, characterization and applications. Soft Matter, 2010, 6:3119 - 3132.


29. Deng, M., Nair, L.S., Nukavarapu, S.P., Kumbar, S.G., Brown, J.L., Krogman, N.R., Weikel, A.L., Allcock, H.R., Laurencin, C.T.: Biomimetic, bioactive etheric polyphosphazene-poly(lactide-co-glycolide) blends for bone tissue engineering. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 2010, 92A(1), 114-125.

30. Deng, M., Nair, L.S., Krogman, N.R., Allcock, H.R., Laurencin, C.T.: Biodegradable Polyphosphazene Blends for Biomedical Applications. In Polyphosphazenes for Biomedical Applications. Alexander Andrianov (Editor), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2009, pp 139-154.

31. Krogman, N.R., Weikel, A.L., Kristhart, K.A., Nukavarapu, S.P., Deng, M., Nair, L.S., Laurencin, C.T., Allcock, H.R.: The influence of side group modification in polyphosphazenes on hydrolysis and cell adhesion of blends with PLGA. Biomaterials, 2009, 30(17):3035-41.

32. Jabbarzadeh, E., Starnes, T., Khan, Y.M., Jiang, T., Wirtel, A., Deng, M., Lv, Q., Nair, L.S., Doty, S., Laurencin, C.T.: Induction of angiogenesis in tissue engineered scaffolds for bone repair: a combined gene therapy-cell transplantation approach. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2008, 105(32): 11099-104.


33. Deng, M., Nair, L.S., Nukavarapu, S.P., Kumbar, S.G., Jiang, T., Krogman, N.R., Singh, A., Allcock, H.R., Laurencin, C.T.: Miscibility and in vitro osteocompatibility of biodegradable blends of poly[(ethyl alanato) (p-phenyl phenoxy) phosphazene] and poly(lactic acid-glycolic acid). Biomaterials, 2008, 29(3): 337-349.

  • 34. Jabbarzadeh, E., Jiang, T., Deng, M., Nair, L.S., Khan, Y.M., Laurencin, C.T.: Human endothelial cells growth and gene expression on three dimensional poly(lactide-co-glycolide) sintered microsphere scaffolds for bone tissue engineering. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2007, 98(5): 1094-1102. (Cover)

  • 35. Jabbarzadeh, E., Nair, L.S., Khan, Y.M., Deng, M., Laurencin, C.T.: Apatite nano-crystalline surface modification of poly(lactide-co-glycolide) sintered microsphere scaffolds for bone tissue engineering: implications for protein adsorption. Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition, 2007, 18(9): 1141–1152.
  • Total 18records

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